About the Common Loon

We chose to name our agency after the Common Loon, a large diving bird that can be sighted in almost every State, because of its prowess in defending its territory. We also like the double meaning of crazy because we are crazy about insurance. Beyond that, we simply like birds and everything that nature has to offer us.

Common Loon:

The Loon is a beautiful bird that has black and white tuxedo like markings. They have curious and haunting calls that echo over lakes in the morning and evening. In the Summer, they are common in Northern States such as New York, New Hampshire, Maine, Minnesota and Michigan where you will find them on lakes and coves. In the winter, migratory patterns take them to Southern states.

Interesting facts about Loons:

  • They have solid bones, unlike most birds who have hollow bones, which allows them to better dive in water.
  • They need about a 90 foot runway to take off in the water or they get stuck.
  • They can fly up to 70 miles per hour.
  • They only hang out on land during nesting, and their nests are normally within feet of water.
  • They really do not like walking on land because their legs are so far back on their bodies; a feature that makes them amazing divers and hunters of fish.

Insurance Loon:

An insurance loon is a different beast. Insurance loons are crazy passionate about insurance and the help it provides during times of need. Insurance loons believe in being there for customers to help them manage risk. Insurance loons also have haunting cries but they typically are chortles of excitement when discovering the best way to minimize risk.

Insurance Loons can often be spotted near spreadsheets and other forms of advanced analytics that are assessing risk. Insurance Loons are found in all 50 States, however there are concentrations of them in Hartford, New York, Dallas and Phoenix.

Typically they are adorned with ill fitting slacks and a short sleeved, collared shirt. They can be easily identified as the only person laughing at an insurance joke or the person standing alone at the party wondering why nobody wants to talk about water loss claims.

While Insurance Loons can be awkward, they are fiercely passionate about protecting you from risk. They are so passionate that they may get worked up. If this happens, simply tell them that you are concerned you may not have enough coverage. This puts Insurance Loons in a type of hypnosis as they consider you, your goals and your risk management needs.

* Chris having a beer after three days of mountain climbing