Our Services are built to help you manage risk. We focus on helping individuals and small to medium sized businesses across several industries. Our processes help us to understand your needs and goals so that your risk management strategy delivers when called upon.
Risk Analysis & Insurance Evaluation Process
We love insurance. We know insurance. Dare we say, we are crazy about insurance.
We’ve developed a process that helps us to understand where you are at, where you are going and what you need to protect yourself and your assets along the way. Executing on our Risk & Insurance Analysis process on a regular basis ensures as your needs grow and change, so do your insurance solutions.
Of course, if you just need a policy with specific coverages and limits then we’re happy to deliver that policy without the analytics.
1. Interview & Data Collection
- Current assets
- Current liabilities
- Activities & Processes
- Unique factors
- Near term goals
- Short term goals
- Risk identification
- Current solutions
2. Future solutions analysis presentation
- Summary of significant risks
- Available market solutions by risk
- Activities & Processes
3. Strategy Creation discussion
- Dialog around baseline data and future solutions analysis
- Outcome is coherent insurance strategy document
4. Annual review discussion
- What has changed?
- New goals?
- Major or life events
Insurance Placement & Management
Once your insurance strategy is clear, then we do the hard work of placing your policies with the insurance carriers you prefer. If you have requested changes or updates, then we ensure any changes you request are executed. If a claim comes up, we help you through that difficult process as well. Lot’s of times, insurance claims do not play out the way customers expect. We can help set the right expectations but also help to make sure those expectations are met.
Commercial Industries
We work with all types of Commercial customers at the Common Loon Insurance Agency; we are confident that our Risk & Analysis and Strategy & Placement processes will identify and address your needs appropriately. That said, we have additional depth in businesses of certain industries. Industries of focus include:
- General Veterinarian clinics with Urgent Care
- Urgent Care Only Veterinarian clinics
- General Veterinarian clinics
- Companion Animal Boarding
- Companion Animal Grooming
- Animal Rescue Operations
- Animal Adoption Operations
What makes us qualified to service these animal related industry segments? It’s our resume; we’ve worked in animal rescue, pet health insurance, pet stores, a zoological garden and have even consulted veterinarian clinics on operations. We love animals and we know how to protect others that do to. Give us a call, we’re happy to talk shop.

Getting married, having a baby, buying a house….these are all major life events. They are also good times to consider your risk management. Having the right strategy in place can ensure that if something awful happens, you and the ones you love will not be financially devastated. With certain types of Life insurance, you can even manage risk while building additional value and wealth.
Case Studies

Jasmine & Jennifer
Jasmine and Jennifer just bought a home. They are super excited but nervous about the affordability of the home. The only way they could afford it is by pooling both of their incomes. What if something happens to one of them?
To manage this risk, both Jasmine and Jennifer each bought Term Life Insurance with a Disability rider. The term of the insurance is for the remainder of their 20 year mortgage. If one of them dies or is disabled then the policy will kick in and ensure they don’t lose their home.
They can even convert their Term Life policies to Whole Life if they decide; it just may cost a little more for the additional benefits.

When Jared’s first child was born, he took out a Variable Life Policy on himself. Jared did this as he is the sole earner in the house. With the Life policy in place, if anything happens to him then his wife would have money to deal with funeral expenses, college for his kid and continue life for a bit without needing to panic.
Jared also took out the policy to save money in a diversified way. He has a 401k at work but wanted more tax protected assets in his saving strategy. The Variable Life Policy earns a return in addition to premium payments to build a cash value, which can be tax advantaged if utilized correctly. Jared even front loaded the policy at inception with an extra $1000 to kickstart that value building.