Personal Insurance

Cars, houses, boats, motorcycles, jewelry, music equipment, baseball cards….the list of things precious to us is long. The risk associated with such things includes the value of the property and liability inherent in using them. A variety of Personal lines insurance products work together to cover both property and liability risk. In some cases, e.g. cars, you have to maintain insurance just to use the item being insured. In other cases, e.g. houses, lenders require certain coverage be in place to back a loan. Common Loon Insurance Agency works with you to understand your lifestyle, the things you love and the risk inherent in them to create a customized personal insurance strategy.


Personal Line products we offer include:

  1. Automobile
  2. Homeowners
  3. Condo Owners
  4. Renter
  5. Collections
  6. Boats & Other Toys
  7. Umbrella